Eating Disorders 101

Basic facts about eating disorders

Assumptions & Myths About Eating Disorders

Assumptions about Eating Disorder Behaviors  Eating disorders are a choice In a short answer… No!  In a longer, more detailed answer, still no, but because eating disorders are complex ,biopsychosocial illnesses, meaning that there are biological, psychological, and social-environmental factors that ALL contribute to developing an ED, personal choice not being one of them. For …

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Harm Reduction in Eating Disorders

Much of the information included in this resource page comes from the webinar, “Self-Care During the Storm: Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Practices” created and presented by Gloria Lucas of Nalgona Positivity Pride. Nalgona Positivity Pride is an incredible, grassroots organization that provides intersectional eating disorder resources and education for the purpose of expanding eating disorder …

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